Old Dominion University faculty and staff can still take advantage of exciting weekly incentives to turn in their pledges to the annual Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC). Donors remain eligible for weekly prizes throughout the campaign.
So far, more than 395 ODU employees have pledged in excess of $64,000, just $1,500 short of last year's total. About $8,000 has gone to the Rise to the Challenge campaign, which helps provide emergency aid to those in the Monarch community who face sudden challenges with travel, housing, food, technology, unemployment, health and wellness, and other expenses.
"How phenomenal would it be that during unprecedented times we as a University were able to surpass 2019 giving?" said Ebony Drayton, the University's CVC coordinator. "I would call that giving at its finest."
There are approximately 1,000 other good reasons to donate. That's the number of local, state, national and international organizations that benefit from CVC contributions. For more information about those groups, visit http://www.cvc.virginia.gov.
When employees give to the CVC, 100% percent of designations go directly to the charity they choose. At cvcgives.org, you can give directly with a single donation or set up a recurring monthly pledge.
For more information or instructions, see your individual department CVC coordinator or contact Drayton at edrayton@dlokoko.com. It is not too late to make a difference.